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Archive for March, 2010

11 common myths that keep people from switching to Macs

Although Apple’s Mac computers are selling in record numbers, there is still a ton of misinformation being spread about them. You have to believe Mac sales would skyrocket even more if the average person figured out those myths…

11 common myths that keep people from switching to Macs
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Shared volumes missing and not mounting in Finder’s sidebar?

Network shares not appearing in Finder’s sidebar is a common issue for some users – especially those running Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard. Sometimes Finder just needs a jump start or a kick in the rear to display those devices correctly. Assuming…

Shared volumes missing and not mounting in Finder's sidebar?
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Maximum volume still too quiet? Make MacBook speakers louder

A common complaint amongst MacBook, MacBook Air, and MacBook Pro owners is the seemingly low “maximum” volume level of the built-in speakers. It’s frustrating, but there are a few ways to get around it. Although some may blame…

Maximum volume still too quiet? Make MacBook speakers louder
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